And we enjoyed a viewing of Rob Roy on the new HDTV. Of course, the movie is a bit old to really be in HD, but it is fantastic none-the-less. If anything, the hi-def showed how grainy & piss-poor it looks. We also assumed Revenge of the Sith & Pirates of the Caribbean would look sweet on the new HDTV... we were right!
In other movie news, we watched 2 other films recently... a really good one & a really bad one. One is called The Artist the other is called The Lost Treasure of the Grand Canyon. I dare you to guess which one is the bad one. Give up? OK, I'll tell.
I can't imagine you'll be surprised to find out that The Artist is really good. We saw it in the screening room @ The Michigan Theater. I kind of wish we'd seen it in the main theater, but it is so good, I kind of don't even care. I'm sure you've heard all about it by now & maybe even seen it. If you haven't seen it yet though, be sure to do so soon. It's a beautiful film w/ lots of fun Frenchesque stuff. It sort of has a Singin' in the Rain meets Mel Brooks' Silent Movie feel to it w/ a bit of Life is Beautiful thrown into the mix for fun. See it if you haven't already.
As for The Lost Treasure of the Grand Canyon, there are 2 main problems involving a sort of misnomer (plus some basic cultural stereotypes that are a tad offensive). 1) The treasure isn't really lost since the ex-pat Aztecs know right where it is. 2) It's not in The Grand Canyon. It's in a canyon, but calling it "grand" even w/ a lower case "g" is problematic. I can't imagine anyone would watch A Hidden Treasure of a Mediocre Canyon... but then I can't imagine many people watched it as it is either. The only reason I watched was because it was in keeping w/ my "Watch anything that features a cast member from Mallrats" policy; however, I don't think even the Lees (Jason or Stan) could have saved this piece of shit. Shannon Doherty's character's father is lost in the SW in the late 19th Century while looking for a city of gold. As we soon learn, he's been captured by the New Mexico Aztecs who are ruled by some version of Quetzalcoatl & his magical powers. In the end, the white people triumph over the nasty Mexicans (& their goofy religion) & all is right w/ the world. Do yourself a favor & avoid this one. Of course, I will watch it every chance I get!

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