We've given up on Kevin Spacey. After watching 25 of his 47 of his films, we realized we just couldn't watch any more. We'd had enough. We even had Working Girl for a few weeks but never watched it. It was just no longer fun. Once we realized it was more of a chore than a silly pass-time, we found a new movie game to play: watching music bio-pics w/ the kids (perhaps we could have just gotten hooked on Sarah Palin's new reality show instead... we'll see).So far, we've watched Coal Miner's Daughter, La Bamaba, & Walk the Line (plus a doc. about The Highwaymen, a Waylon Jennings Austin City Limits video, & Footloose [not a bio-pic but a music movie none-the-less]). Aiden is only 1/2 watching them, but Solstice seems to really be liking them. She said, "it's like you're trying to coerce me into liking this old music... & it's working." I'd never seen Coal Miner's Daughter before. It's fantastic. In fact, I'm kind of embarassed about the fact that I'd never seen it. Walk the Line is obviously good, but I always have a hard time w/ the circular saw/dead brother issues. It seems so forced, like they're trying to play w/ our emotions.
Of course, Footloose is 1 of the few films that always, w/o question, makes me squeeze out a few tears (the others being Casablanca... the French National Anthem scene, The Sound of Music... the Edelwise scene @ the end, & Toy Story 2... the Jessie song about her pevious owner). The scene that does it for me in Footloose comes @ the end as Dianne Wiest's & John Lithgow's characters are outside of the dance. I guess it's the whole "child growing up & finally being allowed to find her own way in the world" thing. That's also the issue w/ Toy Story 2. Of course, I've also been known to get a tad verklempt during the Footloose book burning scene. I'm pretty sure I didn't cry during the other movies though. We've got Honeysuckle Rose for this week & I just put the new Jeff Bridges movie, Crazy Heart, in the queue. I don't think Sid & Nancy or The Doors will go over well yet though. I may need to give it a couple more years on those.
What about Ray? Is that ok for the kids? Maybe Beyond the Sea would be alright too. The problem w/ that one is that it's a Spacey so I might needd to hold off on it for a while. That said, if you can think of any other good music related films to watch w/ the kids, leave 'em in the comments.
The Eddie Duchin Story ( with Tyrone Power); Funny Girl(Barbra)*; John Phillip Sousa..The March King; George Gershwin ..Rhapsody in Blue;The Glenn Miller Story; The Buddy Holly Story*; I'll Cry Tomorrow; Gypsy*; The Seven Little Foys; Unsinkable Molly Brown(Debbie Reynolds); are a few biopicts that come to mind which are also musicals. * You might want to pre-screen these before watching them with my grandchildren! Gary
The Eddie Duchin Story ( with Tyrone Power); Funny Girl(Barbra)*; John Phillip Sousa..The March King; George Gershwin ..Rhapsody in Blue;The Glenn Miller Story; The Buddy Holly Story*; I'll Cry Tomorrow; Gypsy*; The Seven Little Foys; Unsinkable Molly Brown(Debbie Reynolds); are a few biopicts that come to mind which are also musicals. * You might want to pre-screen these before watching them with my grandchildren! Gary
Actually, we had already put The Buddy Holly Story in the Netflix queue... along w/ Great Balls of Fire.
Who is Eddie Duchin? His name cracks me up.
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