1) Friends who say, "You really need to see this movie... it's fantastic," when the movie is really not so good. We watched the aptly named The Runaways last night (the rock music biopic about the band of the same name). It's a very schizophrenic film. It's like it can't decide if it wants to be an arty Doors-esque thing or a teen pop flick so it tried to do both. One or the other would have been fine, but both doesn't work. It also spent a lot of time fitting in the rock bio-film cliches @ every opportunity. The only thing it didn't do was end w/ a death which is only because it focused mainly on Cherie Currie & Joan Jett... both of whom are still alive. Had it done more w/ the others, they could have included more of Sandy West, they could have dealt w/ her struggle w/ lung cancer & added a more poignant ending. Or maybe more about Joan Jett's relationship w/ The Sex Pistols to lead up to Sid Vicious' death. On the positive side, I dig the music & might see if they have any @ the library.

4) Racists, sexists, homophobes, & other narrow-minded people who choose to discrimitate rather than accept. There's our big shout-out to political correctness before moving on to problem five.
5) People who have yet to vote for your Visions of Ypsi Memorial Celebrity MILF of the Year. It's easy. Scroll down & read through the nominees. They may not be fantastic, but they are what we've got this year. Once you've weighed your options, post your vote in the comments section... Easy.
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