So often, when talking about blogging, I hear people say they feel they're letting people down if they don't post on a regular basis. I know I don't have that problem because I don't have many readers to feel let down. On the other hand, I've also heard people say when they've gone a while w/o a post, they're less likely to post again. That's never been an issue here either, but I suppose sooner or later it will be. Each post reminds me that the time will come when there are no more posts; the time will come when I'm no longer a blogger. What this really means is that each post reminds me of my own mortality & brings me one step closer to realizing my death. Sein-zum-Tode is how Heidegger would have described it... being towards death.
That means we, as bloggers, must celebrate the little things like Aiden's Little League game. He was walked his first time up today & got a force-out at third base later. Earlier this week, he & I went camping @
Bishop Lake in Brighton w/ his class. It way well have been my first adult camping experience sans booze, & I didn't expect sleeping on the ground w/o a little buzz would be easy, but I slept really well. We had a good time, but it was cut a little short due to the rain. I met some of the parents of his classmates, & they're pretty cool. He was in a skit about the Greek Gods, he played soccer, baseball, & kickball, & we played some poker @ the tent. All in all, it was a good time.

Before camping, he & I went down to Ford Field to watch the US beat the Canadians 2-0 in the 1st match of the
Gold Cup Group C group stage. It was an awesome time. We had fun taunting the silly Cannucks who made the trip across the border. Based on previous tournament experiences, I imagine they were just happy to be there. Although, I would say they went a bit far when they started singing a song about Tim Howard's (the US Goalie) Tourettes. I'm not always the most PC when it comes to soccer-related taunting, but that's going a little too far. Aiden was a little concerned about our use of certain words beginning w/ "F" & "S" but I made it clear that basic societal language norms aren't followed when attending a soccer match. If I can't yell things like "We've got Clint Dempsey, the one & only Dempsey, & you've got fuck all nothing!" then, what's the point of going?

In about an hour, the 2nd match of the Group C group stage will be starting. The USA will be playing Panama. It should be a good time. Although, I imagine the game itself won't be very good. It should be a walk in the park for the USMNT. (That's the hip Internet way of writing United States Men National Team, for those of you not in the hip Internet know). Tomorrow,
Verde has a game @ 3:00... come on out & cheer us on.
The us still has many issues and is not as good as we think. Thank you Panama for showing me.
The picture of Aiden is awesome. How tall is he.
I still stand behind Dempsey, Bradley, & Howard, but the rest... I don't know. Landy & Altidore have potential, but they need to work harder.
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