I don't think I've ever seen
It's a Wonderful Life all the way through. I considered watching it this year, but for some reason it didn't record. That reason could be that I forgot to set the DVR, but I don't think so. I'm not sure. It's on NBC tonight so Perhaps I'll have the opportunity to see it the way so many people have seen it over the last 50 years... on network television w/ commercial interruptions. The films I have actually remembered to record are thus:
A Christmas Carol (George C. Scott version),
White Christmas,
Holiday Inn,
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation &
Miracle on 34th Street. Of those,
A Christmas Carol &
Miracle on 34th Street have yet to be watched this season. I don't know if we'll have time to get to them because I know that after tomorrow, I'll have no desire to watch them until next year. Other movies we've watched are
A Christmas Story &
Love Actually. It must be said that
Love Actually is actually a really good film. It's got all of your usual suspects of British romantic comedies... Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman, Kiera Knightly, & Qui Gon Jinn.
As far as Christmas specials are concerned, we've watched Mickey's Christmas Carol,
A Chipmunk's Christmas,
Charlie Brown,
Rudolph's Shiny New Year,
A Pink Panther Christmas,
Santa Clause is Coming to Town, &
The Flintsone's Christmas. Of course, yesterday, we had an obligatory viewing of "The Strike"... the
Seinfeld Festivus episode (as if you didn't know that).
I know this post is more of a list that any sort of commentary, but before I run off for another crazy day @ Nicola's, I will say this. The Version of
Holiday Inn that we watched was sans the minstrel show scene. I saw it once a couple years ago, but TMC no longer shows the movie because of that scene & AMC edits it out. It's had to watch... like
Song of the South , but I think I support seeing it in its entirety. I know its offensive as hell, but it's a product of its time. We shouldn't get our Bing Crosby sanitized... let's see him in all of his black-face glory! Check back soon for the big James Bond post... all we have left to watch is the David Niven/Woody Allen
Casino Royale spoof.
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