That's bound to change next month though as the EMU Department of Communication & Theater Arts is presenting The Rocky Horror Show in February. I have no idea how many times we saw the film in theaters (mainly @ the state in A2, but once @ Fairlane Mall in Dearborn), but we've never seen a stage production of it. I remember the 1st time I saw it, we were @ Holly's apartment in S. Lyon in the summer of '92. A friend of mine from high school was there & we ate deep fried mushrooms... Holly suggested it was like eating fried dog balls. An odd suggestion, but it stuck.I remember being pretty freaked out when Frank entered; I had no idea what it was about & I was certainly not expecting a musical. My reaction was similar about 8 years later when I saw School Daze for the 1st time & they broke into song in that too. I don't usually go for musicals (other than The Sound of Music & Singing in the Rain), but when a good one comes along, it needs to be supported. Who's up for joining us @ Rocky?

Did you just put Rocky Horror in the same category as Singing in the Rain and The Sound of Music?
Yes... the category of musical films.
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