Here's the break down on the renovations~~
The positives:
1) Everything looks great. the little things around the building including the new new name/signs above the entrances that look like a location listings on Fringe are cool.
2) The landscaping is nice w/ big rocks on the hill going up to Porter & ivy on the building to make it look like an actual college.
3) The new phones are nice... I even have working voicemail for the first time.
4) my office is HUGE! I know I already covered this, but it's pretty freaking amazing.
5) The classrooms have good tech stuff & the holes in the floor have been fixed. In general, they look fantastic & are no longer embarrassing.
6) Everyone seems to be in a great mood about everything.
The negatives:
1) OK, the Part-Time-Lecturer-Faculty members (formerly known as the part time lecturers) have offices in another building so they aren't in the same good mood as everyone else... & rightly so.
2) I think I have poison ivy behind my left knee. it might not have anything to do w/ the renovations, but it's still a negative.
3) I now need 2 keys instead of 1 to get into my office. At least they don't need to be turned simultaneously like I'm launching a nuclear missile though. However, I was hoping the renovations would have done away w/ keys all together. My fingers were crossed for retina scanners or @ least voice activation. I wanted to be able to say, "Sex machine to all the chicks," & then hear, "Andre's voice recognition activated. You may enter." It would have been even sweeter if the voice was the same as the hot British woman whose voice comes out of the ATM on on the 1st floor. As it stands, we're stuck w/ keys.
4) Not everyone has been able to get their keys yet.
5) the blow-dryers in the restrooms are really, really loud.

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