Here are the few things that stood out:
1) I was pointing something out to the kids so we were pretty close to a painting. An elderly woman freaked out on me for getting too close (I could fall forward & hit the art). It's not like we were touching it & it was a really small painting so one had to get close to see it clearly. She then squeezed my arm as she was talking to me, I freaked out on her for touching me. What's good for the goose...
2) Looking at a fertility goddess w/ a seashell for a vulva, 1 of the boys said, "Wow... she has a big belly button." That was pretty great.
3) I noticed a couple paintings I'd never paid much attention to before: a photorealist thing by Richard Estes & Three Skulls by Cezanne. The Estes painting is really funny, but you have to be able to read the names of the films... which might be tough w/ the quality of this pic.

Fanny Hill! That's my favorite!
I know it is, you little pervert!
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