Friday, April 22, 2011

The DIA w/ Aiden's Class

I think I'm gonna have to go down there some time soon by myself. I had a great time w/ the kids & Aiden loved it as usual, but it's tough to enjoy it while also watching a group of kids... which was fine. That was the point after all. One of the kids couldn't get enough of the frames, which I thought was pretty funny. Another kids was so into it, he was always lagging behind because he wanted to see everything & really take it in. Aiden's favorite stuff was in the main hall: the armour & weaponry. They also got a 45 minute lecture about the Rivera Court. That was pretty fantastic. It must have really made an impression too because later, they wanted to go back and look at it more... which was fine w/ me.

Here are the few things that stood out:
1) I was pointing something out to the kids so we were pretty close to a painting. An elderly woman freaked out on me for getting too close (I could fall forward & hit the art). It's not like we were touching it & it was a really small painting so one had to get close to see it clearly. She then squeezed my arm as she was talking to me, I freaked out on her for touching me. What's good for the goose...

2) Looking at a fertility goddess w/ a seashell for a vulva, 1 of the boys said, "Wow... she has a big belly button." That was pretty great.

3) I noticed a couple paintings I'd never paid much attention to before: a photorealist thing by Richard Estes & Three Skulls by Cezanne. The Estes painting is really funny, but you have to be able to read the names of the films... which might be tough w/ the quality of this pic.


Kippy Pratt said...

Fanny Hill! That's my favorite!

Andre said...

I know it is, you little pervert!